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“Jillian Smith portrays Anya deftly. She excels with her lively dramatic interpretation, depicting vulnerability, genuineness, sensitivity, and when needed, backbone. Vocally, her stage musical singing style fully satisfies.”
– Talkin’ Broadway
“…Smith as Anya embodies the character’s grit and determination as well as her vulnerability.”
– The San Mateo Daily Journal
A Chorus Line
“Yet, if any one performer walks away with the show, it’s Jillian A. Smith as Bebe. It’s not just that she can sing and dance, it’s that when she acts, she fully personifies the entire premise of the show. Her wide eyes hide a heart on the verge of breaking if she isn’t cast because she can’t really do anything else—nor would she want to. She holds the audience’s attention every moment she’s on… stage… Smith is the one who consistently makes Bebe her own.”
– 48 Hills Independent SF News

Anything Goes

“It’s entertaining to watch… Smith-as-Erma… played bubbly enough to work in a classic context, but with a self-aware performer who seems to understand the genre’s limits.”
– 48 Hills Independent SF News
“The terrific Jillian A. Smith plays Erma the female gangster and is perfect in ‘Buddie Beware’”
– Vince Media
Other Performance Photos From Shows I Love!